Mediclaim and Critical Insurance: True Saviours in Medical Need

Everyone pray to Almighty for good health and disease free life. However, the risks due to accidents and critical illnesses are becoming common now-a-days. So, you never know when an accident or illness strikes, compelling you to live with the illness or consequences of accidents rest of your life. Therefore, it is always better to take some precautionary measure for leading a secure life. One of the best measures is to get mediclaim policy and critical illness policy. These insurance policies offer protection against the accidents or on diagnosis of critical illness.

Although mediclaim policy and critical illness insurance seems to be similar, there is a very thin line between the two that differentiate them. The mediclaim or medical insurance plan offer financial assistance during emergency situations due to accidents or illnesses. It supports you in paying off the expenses for pre-hospitalization, hospitalization, post-hospitalization, etc. In case of critical illness insurance, the insurer helps you by providing lump sum financial benefit on first diagnosis of critical illness for the treatment.

The benefits offered by mediclaim policy during hospitalization include expenses for room, boarding provided by Nursing home, medical practitioner, consultants, anaesthesia, blood, oxygen, medicines and drugs, etc. On the other hand, the critical illness policy provides benefit for costs required for care and treatment, recuperation aids, loss in income with the decreasing ability to earn, etc. Most of the critical illness insurances offer protection for eight critical illnesses including heart attack, coronary artery bypass surgery, stroke, cancer, kidney failure, major organ transplantation, multiple sclerosis and paralysis.

Thus, mediclaim policy and critical illness insurance are really of great help during adverse conditions. These policies make you independent and you don’t have to run anywhere to arrange money for the treatment. Also, the premium you pay for these policies are affordable. Therefore, mediclaim policy and critical illness insurance can be considered as true saviours during emergency situations.

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