Perils of not having a medical insurance

Disaster and unfortunate events have a tendency to bedazzle us like a deer caught in the headlights. They strike when they are the least expected and that is the nature of this savage beast. It is therefore necessary to have adequate safeguard from such uncertain events in order to lead a peaceful life free from the stress of the unknown. Contemporary urban lifestyle and the fast changing rural lifestyle has led to an exponential increase in lifestyle related diseases and disorders.

High rate of inflation in the country coupled with rising medical cost makes the situation more complex than it was a couple of decades ago. The public health care system is either non-existent or completely broke. Under such adverse circumstances, to lead a healthy and peaceful life, one has to take matters in their own hands by medical insurance.

In the absence of an adequate safeguard, in this case a medical insurance policy, the risk exposure to an individual and their family rises tremendously. We go about doing shopping for stuff which our imagination fancies. Those are the ‘wants’, fulfillment of which lead to self-aggrandizement. But having a medical insurance is a ‘need’, a need akin to safeguarding a city like a levees during a hurricane, for an unannounced diagnosis of a major illness is no less than a devastating hurricane for the human psyche.

For most people, buying a medical insurance policy seems like a financial burden they can do away with. Beware of such a folly! Verily it’s a folly that has the capability to destruct the normal scheme of things. Hence, one should always be on the right side of the situation to avoid unnecessary hassles, be it the right side of the law or a situation. Gifting yourself a good medical insurance policy is the best gift that you can bestow upon yourself.

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